Budget 2023: A Made-in-Canada Plan

Source: Government of Canada


In Budget 2023, the government is introducing new, targeted inflation relief supports for Canadians. This new support has been carefully designed to avoid exacerbating inflation.

Through the new Grocery Rebate, Budget 2023 delivers targeted inflation relief for 11 million low- and modest-income Canadians and families who need it most, with up to an extra $467 for eligible couples with two children; an extra $234 for single Canadians without children; and an extra $225 for seniors, on average.

Cracking down on hidden junk fees, such as higher telecom roaming charges, event and concert fees, excessive baggage fees, and unjustified shipping and freight fees.

Cracking down on predatory lending by proposing to lower the criminal rate of interest.
Lowering credit card transaction fees for small businesses, while also protecting reward points for Canadians offered by Canada’s large banks.

Automatic tax filing for more low-income Canadians, to ensure they can easily file their tax returns in order to receive the benefits they are entitled to.

Helping post-secondary students to afford their education and pursue their dreams by increasing the Canada Student Grants and raising the interest-free Canada Student Loan limit.

Helping young Canadians save for their first home by launching the new Tax-Free First Home Savings Account on April 1, 2023.